Follow-up letter from Yvonne

I was lucky to find ‘A woman called Omega’ and ‘the  Fidelio affair’ in a second-hand book shop in Somerset and really loved them, again such well drawn characters and great stories. You are certainly amongst the elite for bringing all your characters to life;  they become as real people and one feels as if you know them and can visualise them as well.
I have now bought ‘Aphrodite’s Island’ which I shall keep to read when on holiday in a two weeks, so that will occupy me!

I heartily endorse your comment on regretting not being able to publish the first 5 chapters of ‘Now is the Hour’/ Kindly leave the stage.’ I found these on your web-page and having read them I think, in fact they made The Follies series even easier to understand because they give the backgrounds of the main people.
Much as I have loved all your books, I must admit to having a very ‘soft spot’ for Merry and Felix, very closely followed by Richard and Rose.
I think I am reading faster than you are able to write so I shall have to re-read them all aging whilst I wait for the next book!
Thank you for giving so much pleasure; I am really glad I found you.